Dear Pastor,
As a new year approaches, I want to remind you that Sanctity of Life Sunday is January 22, 2023.
In preparation for this special day, we encourage you to set aside a few minutes of your service to celebrate Life and recognize the Creator who alone gives life. With the recent Supreme Court decision, we certainly have reason to be thankful!
However, as the recent election demonstrated, the push to make abortion even more mainstream is greater than ever. One of the goals of our president is to codify Roe v. Wade if his party keeps control of congress. Pray for our nation! Only the intervention of God can change hearts and save lives!
Although we rejoice in the Supreme Court decision, the work of crisis pregnancy centers is more important than ever. Mercy Ministries offers practical help and services such as pregnancy tests, abortion counseling, parenting education, clothing and infant supplies, life skills classes and youth Bible studies.
Mercy needs your support as we are currently seeing a greater number of clients since the pandemic began. I’m so thankful for our excellent staff and their caring spirit.
As you celebrate Life, we would love to help you with your promotional materials. I have enclosed an order form for your convenience. If you prefer, you can order online directly from our website at
Thank you for your support of Mercy Ministries and the many women and men that we have the privilege of pointing to the Lamb of God!
God bless you as you continue to serve Him by serving others in this great ministry to which God has called each of us.
We look forward to the day when every life will be valued as a gift from God.
Until that day comes, Mercy will be on the frontlines. Mercy in time of need, grace for today and hope for the future.
Serving Reading & Berks Together,
Pastor Steve Buerer
Mercy Ministries, Board Chairman