Alicia’s Story

By January 28, 2021February 17th, 2021General

Caring people like you are saving babies from abortion in Berks County. They reach women at the most vulnerable time in their lives by supporting Mercy Ministries. These heroes ensure that women and men in our community know that Jesus loves them, has a plan for their unexpected pregnancy, and wants them to choose life.

That is what you make possible today with your donation. Your gift will empower women to choose life. Women like Alicia.

Alicia was 7 months pregnant, and just released from jail.

She had nothing for her baby, no money and no job. Needless to say, she was nervous, and afraid, not knowing what to expect. Her mind was quickly put at ease once she met our trained staff. She knew they were there to help her. She experienced first hand their care and concern. Because of pro-life people like you, she chose life for her baby.

Your donation provides the educational tools needed to train young parents and families to live abundant lives. You make sure they receive the life skills necessary to successfully parent their new children. You also provide them with vital supplies like diapers, baby wipes, formula, clothing, socks, onesies, and shampoo.

Mom and Baby

*Stock photo used to protect identities

You can change a life today by using our secure form to make your donation and save babies from abortion in Berks County.

God bless you as you give.

Donate to Mercy Ministries
